Insurance Choice and Benefit Design
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Schaeffer Solutions: Health Policy Recommendations for the Biden Administration and 117th U.S. Congress
The USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy has developed practical recommendations and analysis in a number of critical policy areas.
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GAO Report Sheds Additional Light on Misleading and Deceptive Marketing Practices Among Non-Compliant Health Plans
The GAO report underscores three key themes: misleading information is shockingly prevalent, a wide variety of junk plans are sold and may frequently be bundled together, and fixed indemnity plans appear to play a large role.
Georgia’s Latest 1332 Proposal Continues To Violate the ACA
Scholars from the USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy Georgia’s latest 1332 Proposal, analyzing its major analytical errors and procedural deficiencies that render it unapprovable.
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Taking a Broader View of “Junk Insurance”
Christen Linke Young explains the dangers of junk insurance.
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About this section
Even as many Americans pay for inadequate coverage, claims for unnecessary medical services remain undiminished. Schaeffer Center research informs policies seeking to improve consumer choice and promote accountability while enhancing the value of insurance plans.
Our Work In Insurance Choice and Benefit Design
Early Delays in Insurance Coverage and Long- Term Use of Home- Based Peritoneal Dialysis
The study analyzes Medicare coverage delays among the uninsured and their effect on long-term peritoneal dialysis use.
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How Well Could Tax-Based Auto-Enrollment Work?
Auto-enrollment into health insurance coverage is an attractive policy that can drive the U.S. health care system towards universal coverage.
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Misleading Marketing of Short-Term Health Plans Amid COVID-19
Schaeffer Initiative researchers investigate marketing claims made by ACA non-compliant health insurers about coverage amid the pandemic.
What Do I Do If I Lose My Job-Based Health Insurance?
If someone is suddenly uninsured, what do they qualify for? A USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative experts explains what’s available and how to sign up.
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The ACA’s Individual Mandate In Retrospect: What Did It Do, And Where Do We Go From Here?
A USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative expert examines if the mandate meaningfully increased coverage and what can be learned from the ACA if policymakers want to achieve universal coverage in the future.
Georgia’s 1332 Waiver Violates the ACA and Cannot Lawfully be Approved
Christen Linke Young and Jason Levitis explain why Georgia’s 1332 waiver would fail the affordability guardrail and is based on several assumptions.
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