Name: Emma Aguila, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy
Emma Aguila, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: David Agus, MD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Founding Director & CEO, Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine
Director, USC Westside Prostate Cancer Center
Professor, Keck School of Medicine of USC and the USC Viterbi School of Engineering
David Agus, MD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 310-272-7640
Name: Jennifer A. Ailshire, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
2014-2015 RCMAR Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center
Jennifer A. Ailshire, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Sarah Axeen, PhD
Title: Director of Data and Analytics, USC Schaeffer Center
Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine Research, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Sarah Axeen, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Katherine Baker
Title: Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Schaeffer Center
Name: Craig Brimhall, PhD
Name: Wändi Bruine de Bruin, MSc, PhD
Title: Director, Behavioral Science and Policy Initiative
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
USC Schaeffer Institute
Name: Jack M. Chapel, PhD
Title: Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Schaeffer Center
Name: Alice Chen, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Vice Dean for Research
Associate Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy
2018-2019 RCMAR Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center
Alice Chen, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-1763
Name: Eileen Crimmins, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Dean, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, USC Andrus Gerontology Center
AARP Professor of Gerontology, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
Director, USC/UCLA Center on Biodemography and Population Health
Eileen Crimmins, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-740-1707
Name: Elizabeth Currid-Halkett, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
James Irvine Chair in Urban and Regional Planning and professor of public policy, USC Price School of Public Policy
Name: Sanaz Dabiri, PhD
Title: 2023-2024 Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Schaeffer Center
Sanaz Dabiri, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Sir Angus Deaton, PhD
Title: Presidential Professor of Economics, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Distinguished Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Senior Scholar, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
Name: Jason Doctor, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Norman Topping National Medical Enterprise Chair in Medicine, Professor, and Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs, USC Price School of Public Policy
Jason Doctor, PhD's Contact Info
- Phone: 213-821-8142
Name: Maddalena Ferranna, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Name: Steven Fox, MD, MSc
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Research Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Steven Fox, MD, MSc's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 323-226-6571
Name: Paul Ginsburg, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Professor, Practice of Health Policy and Management, USC Price School of Public Policy
Paul Ginsburg, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Dana Goldman, PhD
Title: Director, USC Schaeffer Institute
Co-Director, USC Schaeffer Center
University Professor of Public Policy, Pharmacy, and Economics, USC
Name: Shaun Harper, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
University Professor
Provost Professor of Public Policy, Education, and Business
Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership
Name: Sidra Haye, PhD
Title: 2023-2024 USC AD/ADRD RCMAR Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center
Postdoctoral Research Scholar, USC Schaeffer Center
Sidra Haye, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: James J. Heckman, PhD
Title: USC Presidential Scholar-in-Residence, USC Schaeffer Institute
Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
Name: Mireille Jacobson, PhD
Title: Co-Director, Aging and Cognition Program, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
Mireille Jacobson, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Boshen Jiao, PhD, MPH
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical & Health Economics, USC Mann School
Name: Geoffrey Joyce, PhD
Title: Director, Health Policy, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Associate Professor, USC Mann School
Geoffrey Joyce, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-7958
Name: Matthew Kahn, PhD
Title: Director, Healthcare Markets Initiative, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Provost Professor of Economics and Spatial Sciences, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Science
Name: Genevieve P. Kanter, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor of Public Policy, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
Genevieve P. Kanter, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-740-0055
Name: Cameron Kaplan, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Director, Gehr Center for Health Systems Science and Innovation
Associate Professor, USC Keck School of Medicine
Name: Alexis Coulourides Kogan, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, Geriatrics, and Gerontology, Keck School of Medicine of USC and USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
Name: Darius Lakdawalla, PhD
Title: Chief Scientific Officer, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Quintiles Chair in Pharmaceutical Development and Regulatory Innovation, USC Mann School
Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy
Darius Lakdawalla, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-7957
Name: Grant Lawless, RPh, MD, FACP
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Grant Lawless, RPh, MD, FACP's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-6181
Name: Eugene Lin, MD, MS
Title: Clinical and Resident Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, Medicine and Health Policy & Management, Keck School of Medicine of USC and the USC Price School of Public Policy
Name: Grace McCormack, PhD
Title: Research Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center
Grace McCormack, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Daniel McFadden, PhD
Title: Distinguished Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Presidential Professor of Health Economics, USC Price School of Public Policy
Daniel McFadden, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-7955
Name: Glenn Melnick, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Blue Cross of California Chair in Health Care Finance, USC Price School of Public Policy
Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy
Glenn Melnick, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Doris Molina-Henry, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Principal Investigator, ATRI
Assistant Professor of Research Neurology
Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Name: Karen Mulligan, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Research Assistant Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy
Name: Sharon Orrange, MD, MHS
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Name: Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Elizabeth Garrett Endowed Chair in Health Policy, Economics, and Law, Professor, and Chair, Department of Health Policy and Management, USC Price School of Public Policy
Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: William Padula, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann
William Padula, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-0552
Name: Vassilios Papadopoulos, DPharm, PhD, DSc (hon)
Title: Dean, USC Mann School
John Stauffer Dean's Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, USC Mann School
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Name: Anne Peters, MD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Scholar
Keck School of Medicine of USC
Name: Dima M. Qato, PharmD, MPH, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Hygeia Centennial Chair and Associate Professor, USC Mann School
Director, Program on Medicines and Public Health, USC Mann School
Dima M. Qato, PharmD, MPH, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Marina Ritchie, PhD
Title: 2025-2026 Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Alzheimer's Therapeutic Research Institute
Name: John Romley, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, Public Policy, USC Price School of Public Policy
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
John Romley, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-7965
Name: Seth Seabury, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Director of Graduate Studies, Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy Program, USC Mann School
Seth Seabury, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-8190
Name: Jacob Soll, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
University Professor, USC
Professor of Philosophy, History, and Accounting, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Name: Neeraj Sood, PhD
Title: Director, COVID Initiative, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Professor of Public Policy, USC Price School of Public Policy
Neeraj Sood, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213- 821-7949
Name: John Stofko MBA, MPH, RPh
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
John Stofko MBA, MPH, RPh's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Arthur Stone, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Director, USC Dornsife Center for Self-Reported Science
Professor of Psychology, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Arthur Stone, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-1781
Name: Sze-chuan Suen, PhD
Title: Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor, USC Viterbi School of Engineering
2018-2019 RCMAR Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center
Sze-chuan Suen, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Daniel Tomaszewski, PharmD, PhD
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, Healthcare Decision Analysis program, USC Mann School
Name: Erin Trish, PhD
Title: Co-Director, USC Schaeffer Center
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Name: Bryan Tysinger, PhD
Title: Director, Health Policy Simulation, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Research Assistant Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy
Bryan Tysinger, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-7964
Name: Karen Van Nuys, PhD
Title: Executive Director, Value of Life Sciences Innovation, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Karen Van Nuys, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
- Phone: 213-821-8847
Name: Olivia Wang, PhD
Title: 2024-2025 Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Schaeffer Center
Name: Ken S. Wong, PharmD, MPH
Title: Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics, USC Mann School
Director, Division of Healthcare and Biopharmaceutical Business, USC Mann School
Ken S. Wong, PharmD, MPH's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Julie Zissimopoulos, PhD
Title: Co-Director, Aging and Cognition Program, USC Schaeffer Center
Co-Director, CeASES ADRD and AD-RCMAR
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Professor, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
Julie Zissimopoulos, PhD's Contact Info
- Email:
Name: Rushil Zutshi, PhD
Title: Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Schaeffer Center
Rushil Zutshi, PhD's Contact Info
- Email: