Trends in the Use of Skilled Nursing Facility and Home Health Care Under the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: An Interrupted Time-series Analysis
Hospitals might be shifting to more intensive post-acute care to avoid readmissions among seniors with pneumonia. At the same time, penalized hospitals’ efforts to prevent readmissions may be keeping higher proportions of their patients in the community.
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Analysis of State-Level Drug Pricing Transparency Laws in the United States
In this letter published in JAMA Network Open, Neeraj Sood and Martha Ryan analyze recently enacted prescription drug pricing laws with a transparency component to determine which were informative and disclosed transaction prices.
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State Drug Pricing Transparency Laws: Numerous Efforts, Most Fall Short
166 recently enacted prescription drug pricing laws were analyzed to identify those that contained price transparency measures. Of these, 35 bills in 22 states include a transparency component, but only 7 were deemed to be informative.
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Data Visualization: State Drug Transparency Laws
States are increasingly enacting price transparency laws designed to provide regulators or the public with more information about how entities in the drug distribution system set prices. The data visualization summarizes the 35 drug pricing transparency bills enacted in states between 2015 and 2018.
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Trends in the Price per Median and Mean Life-Year Gained Among Newly Approved Cancer Therapies 1995 to 2017
High and rising launch prices of new cancer drugs have raised American public stakeholder and policy concern. A key policy question is whether the clinical gains offered by these drugs in treating specific cancer indications justify the price increases.
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County-Level Unemployment Rates and Service Intensity in Primary Care Physician Offices for Medicare Patients
Patients change their behavior and the way they interact with the healthcare system in the face of an economic recession, and findings also suggest primary care providers changed their service intensity as a result of the recession.
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The Effect of Old-Age Pensions on Health Care Utilization Patterns and Insurance Uptake in Mexico
Documenting results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial designed to supplement incomes in poor towns among adults 70 or older.
Measuring Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias in Diverse Populations Using Medicare Claims Data
The researchers examined how methods used for identifying dementia in administrative claims affected dementia incidence across racial/ethnic populations using a 100% sample of Medicare beneficiaries.
Longitudinal Analysis of Dementia Diagnosis and Specialty Care Among Racially Diverse Medicare Beneficiaries
The burden of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is rapidly growing. Researchers found vast majority of dementia patients don’t receive specialty diagnosis and care.
Five‐Layer Border Dressings as Part of a Quality Improvement Bundle to Prevent Pressure Injuries in US Skilled Nursing Facilities and Australian Nursing Homes: A Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis
A quality improvement bundle, including prophylactic five‐layer dressings, is a cost‐effective approach for pressure injury prevention in all US and Australia long‐term care residents.
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