Medicare and Medicaid
Our work in Medicare and Medicaid
Seminar Series – Boris Vabson
Boris Vabson is a research faculty member at Harvard Medical School. His academic research focuses on health insurance payment systems and markets. He is also a nonresident fellow at the USC-Schaeffer Center and a nonresident fellow in health policy at the American Enterprise Institute.
Paying for Advance Care Planning in Medicare: Impacts on Care and Spending Near End of Life
Paying for advance care planning services can be promising in improving patients’ quality of life at end of life (EOL) while lowering EOL spending, especially for patients most vulnerable to receiving aggressive EOL care.
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Want Lower Obesity Drug Costs? Medicare Holds the Key
Medicare coverage will catalyze market competition
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Comments in Response to a CBO Call for New Research on Obesity
While there are significant data and methodological challenges to be overcome, there are better alternatives to simplistically extrapolating from the real-world data on AOM use that is currently available.
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Government And Commercial Insurer Payment Rates to Hospitals: A Commentary on Priselac
Paul Ginsburg discusses how for decades, stakeholders have argued about whether competition or regulation should be the approach to constrain health care spending. By having chosen neither, he argues, our nation now finds itself with a much larger challenge. The magnitude of our health care affordability problem cries out for pursuing both competition and regulation.
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Healthcare Utilization Before and After a Dementia Diagnosis in Medicare Advantage Versus Traditional Medicare
The increase in care use leading up to a dementia diagnosis is higher among beneficiaries in traditional Medicare than in Advantage plans and remains higher after diagnosis.
White House Names First 10 Drugs for Medicare Negotiations; USC Policy Experts Available to Discuss Market Impact
Medicare released the list of the first 10 drugs subject to price negotiations under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), aiming to reduce drug costs for Medicare enrollees and taxpayers.
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Estimates of Diagnosed Dementia Prevalence and Incidence Among Diverse Beneficiaries in Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage
The prevalence of diagnosed dementia among beneficiaries in MA was lower than in TM.
Comments to CMS on Proposed Guidance for Coverage with Evidence Development
Eleven Schaeffer fellows cosigned a comment letter to Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services providing recommendations on the proposed Coverage with Evidence Development Guidance.
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Lowering Medicare Advantage Overpayments from Favorable Selection by Reforming Risk Adjustment
One potential path for reducing Medicare Advantage (MA) overpayments from favorable selection is reforming the current administered payment approaches linking spending in fee-for-service (FFS) to MA rates.
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