Patient and Physician Behavior
Our work in Patient and Physician Behavior
False Confidence in Blood Pressure Knowledge Undermines Intentions to Seek Care
Most Americans don’t know the meaning of 120-80 mm Hg, but think they do.
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The Role of Confidence and Knowledge in Intentions to (Not) Seek Care for Hypertension: Evidence From a National Survey
Hypertension is a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. However, patients may lack confidence in their understanding of what constitutes normal/healthy blood pressure, potentially affecting intentions to seek necessary care.
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New Randomized Trial Shows Simple Letters Promote Better-Informed Opioid Prescribing
Letters successfully encouraged clinicians to check patients’ prescribing records, says study co-author Mireille Jacobson.
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Telling Doctors Their Patients Fatally Overdosed Reduces Opioid Prescriptions Up to One Year Later
Those clinicians who received the letter wrote 7% fewer prescriptions than clinicians who hadn’t received the notification.
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A Randomized Trial of Letters to Encourage Prescription Monitoring Program Use and Safe Opioid Prescribing
To facilitate safer prescribing of opioids and other drugs, nearly all states operate prescription monitoring programs, which collect and share data on controlled substance dispensing.
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Effect of Prescriber Notifications of Patient’s Fatal Overdose on Opioid Prescribing at 4 to 12 Months
Opioid prescribing continued to decrease well after receipt of a letter notifying the clinician of a fatal overdose.
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The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising on Outpatient Care Utilization
Neeraj Sood and colleagues inform the debate about direct-to-consumer advertising by analyzing the effects of ads on office visits and treatment courses for five common chronic conditions.
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Does the Market Reward Quality? Evidence from India
The study provides insight into at what drives quality of care in the private sector and why patients seek care from poor quality providers.
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New Dialysis Studies Inform Delivery of Care, Ways to Improve Patient Outcomes
Researchers analyzed the effects of clinic ownership and dialysis timing on patient outcomes.
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During the Height of the Opioid Epidemic, the Out-of-Pocket Price of Naloxone Increased by Over 500%
A jump in the out-of-pocket price of naloxone has likely made the lifesaving drug too expensive for most uninsured Americans.
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