Patient and Physician Behavior
Our work in Patient and Physician Behavior
Know Your Epidemic, Know Your Response: Early Perceptions of COVID-19 and Self-Reported Social Distancing in the United States
we study individual’s perceptions on COVID-19 and social distancing during the week of March 10–16, 2020, a week when COVID-19 was officially declared to be a pandemic by WHO and when new infections in the US were more than doubling every three days.
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The Need To More Effectively Regulate END Markets: A Primary Public Health Lesson of the US Vaping Associated Lung Injury Outbreak
The designation of END products as “tobacco products” rather than “medical products” in August 2016 meant manufacturers did not have to meet pharmaceutical safety standards; instead, minimal product safety regulations were imposed.
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New Digital Health Project Will Include Traditionally Underrepresented Americans
Ritika Chaturvedi will lead the American Life in Real-time (ALiR) project, which will use digital technologies to create precision public health interventions that focus on reducing health disparities.
Uptake of Infliximab Biosimilars Among the Medicare Population
Two years after launch, biosimilars for rheumatoid arthritis and other lifelong conditions captured little market share.
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State Approaches to Tackling the Opioid Crisis Through the Health Care System
States have implemented multiple strategies to enhance the capacity and quality of treatment services for opioid use disorder.
Pacula Examines Pitfalls in the Legalized Marijuana Marketplace
As the marijuana industry marches toward mainstream acceptance, policymakers are turning to Rosalie Liccardo Pacula to help ensure that its popularity does not outpace scientific understanding of its risks.
Age Differences in COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Mental Health: Evidence From a National U.S. Survey Conducted in March 2020
U.S. adults who were relatively older appeared to have a more optimistic outlook and better mental health during the early stages of the pandemic.
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Association of Combination Statin and Antihypertensive Therapy With Reduced Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Risk
Drugs already being used to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, according to a new Schaeffer Center study of nearly 700,000 Medicare beneficiaries.
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Without Oversight, Electronic Prescribing Can Harm Patients
To protect patients from addiction, overdose, and even death, it may be necessary to rein in health information technology — or at least modify it.
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Helping Consumers Understand the Real Costs of Credit Cards
If consumers are to make informed choices about credit cards and other financial products, they need to understand how much these products cost them over time.
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