Our work in Aging
Policy Issues in Dialysis Care
The challenges that policymakers face when trying to encourage the delivery of high quality, cost‐efficient dialysis care to all patients who require dialysis are evident in the state of dialysis care today.
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The Potential Emergence of Disease-Modifying Treatments for Alzheimer Disease: The Role of Primary Care in Managing the Patient Journey
Research by Jakub Hlavka and colleagues suggests a combination of brief cognitive tests and blood-based biomarker tests will allow primary care physicians to identify patients with potential early stage Alzheimer’s disease efficiently and triage them for further evaluation.
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A Bi-National Comparison of Federal Safety Net Programs for Low-Income Elderly in the U.S. and Mexico
Population aging in Mexico as in the United States is expected to accelerate over the next thirty years, and the proportion of individuals 65 and older will triple to approximately 20 percent by 2050 in both nations. Older people of Mexican origin are at high risk of protracted periods of poor health, a reality exacerbated […]
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Future Health Dividends for California: Valuing Medical Innovations
Reducing the incidence of four common cancers (breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer), diabetes and stroke by 50 percent would generate nearly $900 billion in social value for California between 2018 and 2040. Just a 10 percent decline generates $175 billion over the same period.
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Trends in the Price per Median and Mean Life-Year Gained Among Newly Approved Cancer Therapies 1995 to 2017
High and rising launch prices of new cancer drugs have raised American public stakeholder and policy concern. A key policy question is whether the clinical gains offered by these drugs in treating specific cancer indications justify the price increases.
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The Effect of Old-Age Pensions on Health Care Utilization Patterns and Insurance Uptake in Mexico
Documenting results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial designed to supplement incomes in poor towns among adults 70 or older.
Measuring Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias in Diverse Populations Using Medicare Claims Data
The researchers examined how methods used for identifying dementia in administrative claims affected dementia incidence across racial/ethnic populations using a 100% sample of Medicare beneficiaries.
Longitudinal Analysis of Dementia Diagnosis and Specialty Care Among Racially Diverse Medicare Beneficiaries
The burden of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is rapidly growing. Researchers found vast majority of dementia patients don’t receive specialty diagnosis and care.
Assessing the Preparedness of the Canadian Health Care System Infrastructure for an Alzheimer’s Treatment
A report on Canadian readiness to deal with new Alzheimer’s disease treatments co-authored by Jakub Hlávka found that average wait times could reach 28 months and that the most pressing issue is a lack of dementia specialists.
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Analysis of Dementia in the U.S. Population Using Medicare Claims: Insights From Linked Survey and Administrative Claims Data
Insufficient understanding of the completeness of dementia diagnosis and for whom in Medicare claims data limits their use. This study analyzes prevalence and incidence of dementia in survey and claims data to understand differences.