Our work in Aging
Leveraging Behavioral Sciences for Dementia Care
Insights from the behavioral sciences may help doctors detect dementia earlier and develop more insightful care plans.
Disparate Aging: The Role of Education and Socioeconomic Gradients in Future Health and Disability in an International Context
If on one side ageing is driven by biological changes, on the other side the ageing itself reflects the accumulated effects of one’s exposure to a history of external risks, and can further be influenced by social changes, such as isolation and loss of loved ones.
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FDA’s Approval of Aducanumab Paves the Way for ‘More Momentous’ Alzheimer’s Breakthroughs
The FDA’s recent approval of the first disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer’s will fuel the chances of even more breakthroughs.
Examining Primary Care Physician Rationale for not Following Geriatric Choosing Wisely Recommendations
Why do physicians order tests or treatments in older adults contrary to published recommendations?
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Comparison of Direct Oral Anticoagulants Versus Warfarin in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Bioprosthetic Heart Valves
Use of direct oral anticoagulants gradually increased since 2011, with a significant upward in trend after a stay-at-home order related to COVID-19.
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Trends in Serious Mental Illness in US Assisted Living Compared to Nursing Homes and the Community: 2007-2017
Little is known about the prevalence of serious mental illness (SMI) in assisted living (AL) communities in the United States. Trends in the prevalence of SMI in AL communities were examined over time and in relationship to characteristics such as dual eligibility and health conditions. Within- and between-state variability of SMI in AL was also examined.
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Podcast: The Impact and Economics of Alzheimer’s
Julie Zissimopoulos recently spoke about her research using economic insights to better understand the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on individuals, families, caregivers, and society.
Advance Care Planning for Medicare Beneficiaries Increased Substantially, but Prevalence Remained Low
Researchers examined fee-for-service Medicare claims and found a substantial increase in outpatient advance care planning claims between 2016 and 2019, although prevalence remained below 7.5 percent for all patient subgroups analyzed.
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Palliative Care Works, So Why Is It Rarely Used? Follow the Money
Schaeffer Center expert Mireille Jacobson co-authored an op-ed in STAT examining why hospitals and health systems are not investing in palliative care despite research showing this type of therapy substantially improves outcomes for patients with serious illness.
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Private Insurance and Mental Health Among Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Longitudinal Analysis by Race and Ethnicity
Older adults with multiple chronic conditions have a higher risk than those without multiple conditions of developing a mental health condition.