Our work in Aging
Interdisciplinary Panel Offers Solutions to Improve Recruitment for Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials
Experts from the private and public sectors convened a panel to improve recruitment for Alzheimer’s clinical trials.
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Recommendations To Address Key Recruitment Challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Trials
An advisory panel of experts convened in 2020 to assess the critical challenges facing recruitment in Alzheimer’s clinical trials and develop a set of recommendations to overcome them.
The Moderating Role of Race and Ethnicity in the Relationship Between Negative Family Interactions and Mental Health Among Older Adults
This study examines whether the association between negative family interactions and mental health outcomes varies by race and ethnicity.
Addressing Challenges to Alternative Payment Models for New Alzheimer’s Disease Therapies for US Commercial Payers
Developing a blueprint to overcome challenges in implementing new payment models will ensure better access.
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Quality of Survey Responses at Older Ages Predicts Cognitive Decline and Mortality Risk
It is widely recognized that survey satisficing, inattentive, or careless responding in questionnaires reduces the quality of self-report data.
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COVID-19 and Psychological Distress: Racial Differences Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults
This study examines the interplay between perceptions of the COVID-19 outbreak as a threat to one’s day-to-day life, race, and psychological distress among middle-aged and older men and women.
Projecting Future Health and Service Use Among Older People in Ireland: An Overview of a Dynamic Microsimulation Model in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing
Demographic ageing is a population health success story but poses unprecedented policy challenges in the 21st century. Policymakers must prepare health systems, economies and societies for these challenges. Policy choices can be usefully informed by models that evaluate outcomes and trade-offs in advance under different scenarios.
Barriers to Seeking Care for Memory Problems: A Vignette Study
Abstract Introduction: This study compares how older adults judge the need for follow-up care for memory-related problems when they are responding about themselves versus someone of the same age. Methods: Adults ages 65 and over in the Understanding America Study, a nationally representative internet panel, were invited to participate in a short survey with three […]
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The Rising Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease Mortality in Rural America
Since the 1990s, there has been a striking urban-rural divergence in life expectancy within the United States, with metropolitan areas achieving strong life expectancy increases and nonmetropolitan areas experiencing stagnation or actual declines in life expectancy.
Global Projections of Dementia: United States, Ireland, Japan and Mexico
On March 9, join a webinar on projections of population-level cognitive impairment and dementia in the US, Ireland, Japan, and Mexico. The panel will also discuss how simulation modeling can be used for projecting costs and health outcomes of new therapeutics for AD/ADRD.