Hospitals and Health Systems
Our work in Hospitals and Health Systems
Access to the 340B Drug Pricing Program: Is There Evidence of Strategic Hospital Behavior?
Some hospitals adjust their measure that identifies hospitals that treat a disproportionate share of low-income patients to gain 340B eligibility.
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The Effects of Vertically Integrated Care on Health Care Use and Outcomes in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
Receiving vertically integrated care in hospital-based inpatient rehabilitation facilities shortens institutional length of stay while maintaining or improving health outcomes.
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The Association of Vertically Integrated Care with Healthcare Use and Outcomes
The researchers examined whether vertically integrated hospital and skilled nursing facility (SNF) care is associated with more efficient use of healthcare and better patient outcomes.
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New Evidence on the Compensation of Chief Executive Officers at Nonprofit U.S. Hospitals
CEOs at hospitals earn substantially less than CEOs of publicly traded companies though more than presidents of nonprofit institutions of higher education.
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California Must Quickly Implement Policies for Tracking and Controlling Health Care Costs and Price Increases
To protect Californians from rising health care costs, the state needs to strengthen price transparency and price competition, according to Melnick.
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Preparing For The Next COVID-19 Crisis: A Strategy To Save Safety-Net Hospitals
The authors warn against impending waves of morbidity from hospital closures and propose a comprehensive plan to protect vulnerable safety-net facilities.
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Global Budgets Offer Financial Cushion Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
Maryland’s unique payment system has helped bolster healthcare providers in the state. As revenue from elective care dried up, global budgets helped protect facilities by providing a continuous flow of funding.
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Regulating Out-Of-Network Hospital Emergency Prices: Problem And Potential Benchmarks
Melnick focuses on the need and options to regulate hospital out-of-network emergency prices. Using data from California, he analyzes potential benchmarks for setting these prices.
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Rubber Meeting the Road: Access to Comprehensive Stroke Care in the Face of Traffic
The researchers analyzed how long it took Los Angeles County emergency medical services to transport patients to CSCs, and found that traffic conditions affect consistent access, particularly in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
National Trends in Mental Health-Related Emergency Department Visits by Children and Adults, 2009–2015
Utilization of emergency department services for mental health-related visits can be challenging for hospitals to manage. This study showed mental health-related visits grew by 56 percent for pediatric patients and by almost 41 percent for adults.