Healthcare Reform
Our work in Healthcare Reform
Misleading Marketing of Short-Term Health Plans Amid COVID-19
Schaeffer Initiative researchers investigate marketing claims made by ACA non-compliant health insurers about coverage amid the pandemic.
Health Care Priorities For A COVID-19 Stimulus Bill
Recommendations To The Administration, Congress, And Other Federal, State And Local Leaders From Public Health, Medical, Policy And Legal Experts.
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WEBINAR: 24th Annual Wall Street Comes to Washington Health Care Roundtable
Paul Ginsburg will discuss what the latest market developments mean for national health policy and how federal policies may affect the outlook for healthcare companies with Wall Street analysts.
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Comments Submitted on HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2021
Schaeffer Initiative fellows provided comments to HHS on a proposed rule regarding the provision of advance premium tax credits for individuals receiving financial assistance under the ACA.
The ACA’s Individual Mandate In Retrospect: What Did It Do, And Where Do We Go From Here?
A USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative expert examines if the mandate meaningfully increased coverage and what can be learned from the ACA if policymakers want to achieve universal coverage in the future.
Health Care in President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2021 Budget
Our Schaeffer Initiative experts evaluate the president’s budget in a piece in JAMA Health Forum. The budget includes Medicare provider and drug payment reforms, as well as some policies that will impact the Affordable Care Act.
The Association Between Drug Rebates and List Prices
Drug rebates and list prices are positively correlated: On average, a $1 increase in rebates is associated with a $1.17 increase in list price.
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Georgia’s 1332 Waiver Violates the ACA and Cannot Lawfully be Approved
Christen Linke Young and Jason Levitis explain why Georgia’s 1332 waiver would fail the affordability guardrail and is based on several assumptions.
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States Need to Wake up to Public Health Risks From Cannabis
Legalizing cannabis brings states notable benefits, like a boost in tax revenues. But they’ve pushed public health considerations to the sidelines.
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Remanding Texas v. U.S. to the Lower Court Prolongs Harms to Consumers and the Health Care Industry
How will remanding Texas v. U.S. case to the lower court will affect the health care market? Drug manufacturers face tremendous scientific uncertainty while ACA funding has clearly become a major component in state spending.