Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
Our work in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
NAS Report Outlines Priorities for the Next Ten Years of Alzheimer’s Research
Julie Zissimopoulos participated on the committee tasked with developing the research agenda.
Clinical Outcome Measure Crosswalks in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review
A key challenge in studies that model outcomes, disease progression, and cost-effectiveness of existing and emerging dementia treatments is the lack of conversion criteria to translate, or ‘crosswalk’, scores on multiple measurement scales.
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Leveraging Behavioral Sciences for Dementia Care
Insights from the behavioral sciences may help doctors detect dementia earlier and develop more insightful care plans.
Using a Digital Neuro Signature to Measure Longitudinal Individual-Level Change in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Altoida Large cohort Study
Conventional neuropsychological assessments for Alzheimer’s disease are burdensome and inaccurate at detecting mild cognitive impairment and predicting Alzheimer’s disease risk.
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FDA’s Approval of Aducanumab Paves the Way for ‘More Momentous’ Alzheimer’s Breakthroughs
The FDA’s recent approval of the first disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer’s will fuel the chances of even more breakthroughs.
Podcast: The Impact and Economics of Alzheimer’s
Julie Zissimopoulos recently spoke about her research using economic insights to better understand the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on individuals, families, caregivers, and society.
Association Between Exenatide Use and Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease
Exenatide use is associated with a reduced incidence of AD among Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 years or older with type II diabetes.
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Information Session for Schaeffer Center Pilot Funding
Join us on Tuesday, January 12 to learn more about upcoming pilot funding opportunities through Schaeffer Center for Roybal Center for Behavioral Interventions in Aging, CeASES-ADRD and USC Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Health Economics Research.
Addressing the Diverse Needs of Unpaid Caregivers Through New Health-Care Policy Opportunities
About 41 million spouses, children, and other relatives have provided unpaid care to a family member aged 50 years or older in the past 12 months
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Health and Social Correlates of Dementia in Oldest‐Old Mexican‐Origin Populations
Substantial gaps in research remain across oldest‐old ethnic populations while the burden of dementia increases exponentially with age among Mexican and Mexican American older adults.