Miesha Williams, PhD
2022-2024 RCMAR Scientist, USC SchaefferAssociate Professor of Economics, Spelman College
Miesha Williams, PhD's Bio
Miesha Williams, Associate Professor of Economics at Spelman College, examines policies affecting demographics in the United States and institutions impacting Africa. During the 2021-2022 academic year, she was funded as Visiting Scholar in USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. She has previous funding from Title III, NIH, NSF, USDA, Carnegie Foundation, Sloan Foundation, and Koch Foundation. She has published with American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Economics Race and Policy, Review of Black Political Economy, American Economist, and Alliance for Entrepreneurial Equity. She is a board member of National Economic Association (NEA), and secretary for Africa Political Economic Association. She has led a panel on Black Women in the Economics Profession at Allied Social Science Association national meetings, she led a panel on Social Justice in Agricultural and Environmental Economics at Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association conference, was guest editor for Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, was associate editor for NEA newsletter and is Research Associate and is a research associate with University of New Orleans. As an early-stage researcher with USC’s Alzheimer's Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research, she will examine environmental stressors impacting cognitive health across demographics. Williams’ holds BS (2007, FAMU) MA (2010, UA) and PhD (2014, UA) degrees in Economics.
RCMAR Pilot Project Title: “Current Earnings, Current Activities, and Future Health”