Our work in Perspective
Blood Pressure Medication and Dementia Prevention: The Promising Link
SC Schaeffer Center researchers have turned to real-world data to probe the relationship between antihypertensive use and dementia risk in the U.S. population and among minoritized populations who are at the highest risk of dementia.
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Favorable Selection Ups the Ante on Medicare Advantage Payment Reform
Overpayment to Medicare Advantage plans due to favorable selection, “coding intensity” and rating bonuses could exceed $75B in 2023.
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Four Ways to Make Drug Price Negotiations Work for Everyone
The IRA will be measured not just by how much it can lower prices, but also by whether it continues to encourage drug makers to invest in new treatments.
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COVID-19’s Total Cost to the U.S. Economy Will Reach $14 Trillion by End of 2023
Workplace absences, along with sales lost due to the cessation of brick-and-mortar retail shopping, airline travel and public gatherings, contributed the most.
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The Agency Keeping Alzheimer’s Drugs from Patients
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services refuses to approve breakthrough drugs.
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A Strategy for Value-Based Drug Pricing Under the Inflation Reduction Act
To make sure that CMS is getting its money’s worth for today’s drugs, it must ensure that the maximum fair price is aligned to drug value.
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A COVID Takeaway for California: Data Needs to Drive Health Policy
A key lesson from the pandemic is that the state needs to get a better handle on economic trade-offs as it implements preventive measures, especially vaccines.
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Medicare’s ‘Coverage With Evidence Development’: A Barrier to Patient Access and Innovation
CMS should abandon CED or, at minimum, reform and restrict its use only for off-label applications of therapies.
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Alternatives to the QALY for Comparative Effectiveness Research
We now have useful and valid alternatives that allow for the assessment and valuation of treatments that improve population health without discriminating against vulnerable patient populations.
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Comments to CMS on the Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Program
Over 20 researchers cosigned a comment letter to Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services providing recommendations for the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program
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