A Clinical Pathway to Well-Being: Putting Patient Priorities at the Center of Care


Patient Priorities Care is a clinical framework designed to align primary and specialty care around each individual patient’s goals. Using a patient’s self-defined goals can be a powerful motivator for improving health outcomes. Our experience with this approach on a population of nearly 124,000 Medicare Advantage patients after 1 year indicates that this model of care is generating substantial improvements in clinical outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure, and hypertension.

The full study can be viewed at The American Journal of Accountable Care.

Wagle, N., Campbell, C., Di Capua, P., & Kocher, B. (2023). A clinical pathway to well-being: Putting patient priorities at the center of care. The American Journal of Accountable Care, 11(3), 37–40. https://doi.org/10.37765/ajac.2023.89437

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