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Medicare Advantage Enrollment Has Surged. Big Savings for Beneficiaries Help Explain Why.
A typical enrollee could save about $140 per month by picking a Medicare Advantage plan over traditional Medicare. Policymakers considering MA reform shouldn’t overlook the program’s greater financial generosity.
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Expected Out-Of-Pocket Costs: Comparing Medicare Advantage With Fee-For-Service Medicare
Expected monthly out-of-pocket costs for a typical enrollee were about 18-24% lower in Medicare Advantage in recent years, which likely helped fuel the program’s enrollment surge.
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New Evidence Suggests a Lack of Cost-Shifting in Prescription Drug Markets
Recent legislative efforts to regulate drug prices have reignited debates about the interaction between price setting in public insurance programs and commercial market spending.
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Comments on No Surprises Act Rulemaking: Part II
Loren Adler, Matthew Fiedler, and Benedic Ippolito offered comments on an interim final rule (IFR) issued by the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury that implements portions of the surprise billing provisions included in the No Surprises Act.
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Comments on No Surprises Act Rulemaking: Part I
Schaeffer Initiative experts offer comments on an interim final rule (IFR) issued by the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury implementing provisions of the No Surprises Act.
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