Alison Sexton Ward, PhD

Research Scientist, USC Schaeffer Center

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Alison Sexton Ward, PhD's Bio

Alison Sexton Ward is an economist with extensive experience on healthcare policy and pharmaceuticals. Her research has focused on economic valuations of various therapies and drug classes, and the economic implications of drug pricing policies.  Alison has spent most of her career working with pharmaceutical manufacturers, government agencies, and non-profit health organizations on topics ranging from drug pricing policies, social value of new treatments, and long-term survival prediction. Prior to joining USC, she worked as a senior associate with the Brattle Group where she designed and led economic analysis in support of litigation on health-related issues.  Alison joins the Value of Life Science Innovation (VLSI) team led by Karen Van Nuys.

She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota, a M.S in Ag and Resource Economics from the University California Davis, and a B.S. in Managerial Economics from the University of California Davis.

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