Our work in Perspective
Let the Market Determine Drug Prices – Not 19th Century Economics
In health care, the term “value” gets lobbed about quite loosely. It is easy to forget that centuries of economic thought have gone into rigorously examining how worth is determined in a marketplace.
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In the Wake of the Pandemic: How and Why Housing Plans are Changing in L.A.
Nearly all Angelenos plan to stay put in L.A. Four years ago, they were fleeing in record numbers. What changed in our nation’s most populous county? LABarometer survey data suggest financial constraints kept many low-income residents in place; now, a growing number of these residents appear at risk of displacement.
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Medicare Can Follow Blazed Trails to Revitalize Alzheimer’s Care
If Medicare is allowed to step up to the challenge of Alzheimer’s, patients could receive affordable and good quality care as soon as their disease develops.
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Medicare Coverage of Weight Loss Drugs Could Save the U.S. Billions of Dollars
The new weight loss drugs work, and represent huge value in treating obesity. Even though they are expensive, broader access to them via Medicare would end up saving the U.S. money.
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Buyouts Can Bring Relief From Medical Debt, but They’re Far From a Cure
Local governments are increasingly buying – and forgiving – their residents’ medical debt.
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Medicare’s Mental Health Care Problem
Mental health care providers are subject to unique constraints and incentives, compared to other specialists.
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Knowing Actual Prices Will Help HHS Set the Maximum Fair Price under the Inflation Reduction Act
Requiring data on actual net costs will improve negotiations over the “maximum fair price” for select drugs under Medicare.
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Response to Sen. Cassidy’s Request for Information on Improving Americans’ Access to Gene Therapies
Schaeffer experts submitted a comment letter responding to a request for information from stakeholders about improving access to cell and gene therapies for ultra-rare diseases.
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Does Medicare Advantage Deliver Better Care for Persons Living With Dementia Than Traditional Medicare?
With data available from CMS on all Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in private plans and traditional Medicare, researchers at the USC Schaeffer Center are driving new research on how payment structures impact the care of persons living with dementia.
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The Inflation Reduction Act’s Harms Go Beyond Drug Pricing — They’re Threatening Your Medicare
The IRA threatens to deliver disaster across the entire innovation, financing and distribution system for prescription drugs.
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