Title: Clinical Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute Professor of Surgery, Keck School of Medicine of USC Director, Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA)
Title: Clinical Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC Chief, Research Division, Emergency Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Title: Clinical and Resident Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute Assistant Professor, Medicine and Health Policy & Management, Keck School of Medicine of USC and the USC Price School of Public Policy
Title: Clinical Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute Associate Professor, Clinical Emergency Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC Vice Chair, Clinical Research, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Title: Clinical Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute Associate Professor, Clinical Emergency Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Title: Clinical Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology, USC Roski Eye Institute at Keck Medicine of USC
Title: Clinical Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute 2014-2015 RCMAR Fellow, USC Schaeffer Center Assistant Professor, Surgery, UCLA Vascular Surgeon, VA West Los Angeles Medical Center