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Kukla Vera Joins the Center as Director of External Affairs

Press Contact: Jason Millman (213)-821-0099

Kukla Vera will be joining the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics as Director of External Affairs on December 7th.

Kukla Vera will be joining the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics as Director of External Affairs on December 7th.

Prior to joining the Schaeffer Center, Kukla held the position of Senior Director of Communications at USC’s School of Pharmacy since 2006.  At the USC School of Pharmacy she strategically oversaw all aspects of school communications including a biannual magazine (Results), quarterly e-update (e-Results), school website, social media, school videos and various collateral print/e-projects.  Additionally, she was responsible for all school media outreach to consumer, academic and professional outlets.  She also played a pivotal role in overseeing major school conferences, events and board meetings that support both the academic and development missions of the school.

Kukla is a seasoned communications professional with an extensive background in public relations and marketing.  Her work has spanned producing video press kits for ABC and FOX to co-producing health series on the NBC TODAY Show to managing marketing efforts launching a new line of consumer products.  Throughout her career, she has worked on a range of consumer health campaigns that met objectives of both corporate and non-profit sponsors.

Kukla graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, with a BA in English and  Communications (double major).